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Malolotja Nature Reserve

TIME : 2016/2/17 10:25:59

The beautiful reserve is a true wilderness area that’s rugged and, in the most part, unspoiled. The terrain ranges from mountainous and high-altitude grassland to forest and lower-lying bushveld. The reserve is laced by streams and cut by three rivers, including the Komati River, which flows east through a gorge in a series of falls and rapids until it meets the lowveld. Small wonder it's an excellent walking destination and an ornithologist’s paradise, with more than 280 species of bird.

Fans of flora will also get their kicks here; wildflowers and rare plants are added attractions, with several (including the Woolly, Barberton and Kaapschehoop cycads) found only in this region of Africa. Various antelope species make Malolotja their home, as do herds of zebras, elands and wildebeest.