travel > Destinations > asia > Bhutan > Tower of Trongsa Royal Heritage Museum

Tower of Trongsa Royal Heritage Museum

TIME : 2016/2/17 11:13:02

This watchtower (Ta Dzong) on the hill above the dzong has been converted into an excellent museum by the same Austrian-financed team that renovated the wonderful Patan Museum in Nepal. The five floors of displays focus on Buddhist art and royal memorabilia, including such varied treasures as the 500-year-old jacket of Ngagi Wangchuk and the football boots used by the teenaged fourth king. The most sacred religious item is a copy of the Padma Kathang, a biography of Guru Rinpoche written by his consort Yeshe Tsogyel.

There are two lhakhangs inside the Ta Dzong; the Gesar Lhakhang is dedicated to the 19th-century penlop of Trongsa, Jigme Namgyal. Two British soldiers are said to have been kept in the dungeon here for several months during the Duar War. There are sweeping views from the roof, and a cafe on the ground floor provides refreshments (and lunch by prior arrangement).

You can drive here or walk up a staircase from town via two charming, semicircular tower-chapels.

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