Forty kilometres north of Jīngzhōu, the 2300-year-old tombs of Xióngjiā Zhǒng are the source of a large collection of jade – on display at the Jīngzhōu Museum – while a fascinating and huge collection of skeletal horse and chariots in a section of the tomb in a hangerlike museum is open to visitors.
Buses (¥10, 70 minutes) leave hourly from the back of the bus station called Chǔdū Kèyùn Zhàn (楚都客运站) in Jīngzhōu. Bus 24 links this station with Jīnfèng Guǎngchǎng (金凤广场) bus stop, just outside East Gate (over the moat and turn left). A taxi will be at least ¥100 return.