The creation of Suteja Neka, a private collector and dealer in Balinese art, Neka Art Museum has an excellent and diverse collection. It's a good place to learn about the development of painting in Bali. You can get an overview of the myriad local painting styles in the Balinese Painting Hall . Look for the wayang works.
The Arie Smit Pavilion features Smit’s works on the upper level, and examples of the Young Artist school, which he inspired, on the lower level. Look for the Bruegel-like The Wedding Ceremony by I Nyoman Tjarka.
The Lempad Pavilion houses Bali’s largest collection of works by the master I Gusti Nyoman Lempad.
The Contemporary Indonesian Art Hall has paintings by artists from other parts of Indonesia, including stunning works by Affandi. The upper floor of the East-West Art Annexe is devoted to the work of foreign artists, such as Louise Koke, Miguel Covarrubias, Rudolf Bonnet, Han Snel, Donald Friend and Antonio Blanco.
The temporary exhibition hall has changing displays, while the Photography Archive Centre features black-and-white photography of Bali in the early 1930s and '40s. Head upstairs in the lobby to see the large collection of ceremonial kris (daggers).