travel > Destinations > asia > Japan > Ujigami


TIME : 2016/2/17 14:05:05

Ujigami-jinja holds the distinction of being Japan’s oldest shrine. Despite its historical significance, the shrine is the least interesting of Kyoto’s 17 Unesco World Heritage sites.

According to ancient records, Uji-no-waki-Iratsuko, a 5th-century prince, tragically sacrificed his own life to conclude the matter of whether he or his brother would succeed the imperial throne; needless to say his brother, Emperor Nintoku, won the dispute. The main building was dedicated to the twosome and their father, Emperor Ōjin, and enshrines the tombs of the trio.

The shrine is across the river from Byōdō-in and a short walk uphill; take the orange bridge. On the way, you’ll pass through Uji-jinja , which is actually better looking than its more famous neighbour.