travel > Destinations > asia > Pakistan > Duikar


TIME : 2016/2/17 15:47:58

At about 2800m, Duikar is said to be Hunza's highest village. It's about 11km and 25 minutes by jeep or a 2½-hour walk from Karimabad, past gravity-defying terraced fields. The rewards include immense valley views and a great hotel. From the strangely eroded hill behind Eagle's Nest Hotel you can look down on the Hunza River, the twisting ribbon of the KKH and the Legoland of Altit village; or look across to Rakaposhi and Golden Peak (Diran Peak is hidden); and up to Bubulimating.

Sunrise and sunset are magnificent. There are even better views from Khosht, a promontory leaning out over Ultar Meadow and the glacier, and a five-hour round trip from Duikar.

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