One of the east coast's most mesmerising landscapes, Sixty Stone Mountain sits 952m high above the Rift Valley. As you ascend the ever winding road up, it seems as if this is 'simply' yet another journey through beautiful lush subtropical forest. But wait for the top, where cleared forest gives way to a 400-acre table of undulating farmland dotted with homesteads and pavilions. Imagine rolling countryside 1000m up with a backdrop of dark emerald mountains fast descending to a valley floor where they seem to anchor themselves to earth with giant hooked fingers.
And there is more: once a typical mid-altitude rice-growing area, Sixty Stone Mountain became a centre for growing day (tiger) lilies (金針, jīnzhēn ) a few decades ago. The orange-coloured lilies are popular with Taiwanese consumers who eat them fresh or dried in tea drinks and a host of other products. During the harvest time from August to early September the plateau is carpeted with orange blossoms and this already dreamy landscape turns pure wonderland.
There are a number of guesthouses at the top of the mountain should you wish to stay the night. Try Wangyou Yuan Guesthouse if you want to make a reservation during the busy day lily season.
You need your own transport to get here. The turn-off on Hwy 9 is just past Yuli at Km308.5. Look for the sign reading 'Lioushihdan Mountain'.