Merchant Adventurers Hall
TIME : 2016/2/22 10:47:34
Merchant Adventurers' Hall
As the name implies, York’s Merchant Adventurers were merchants. They traded along the English coast, northern Europe and sometimes as far as the Baltic and Iceland, bringing back an assortment of desired goods to York. The city was an important river port and the wealthiest city in Northern England, second only to London for most of the Middle Ages, allowing the merchants to make enough money to build the Hall between 1357 and 1361.
It was ahead of the time, built before craft or trade guild halls were common in Britain. There are three rooms in the Hall, and each served a specific purpose. Business and social gatherings took place in the Great Hall, the Undercroft served as an almshouse caring for the sick and poor, and religious events were conducted in the Chapel.
The Hall has a number of collections; everything from paintings, to furniture and silver. The Company of Merchant Adventurers still use the Hall for meetings and events and hold services in the Chapel.
Practical Info
The Merchant Adventurers' Hall is located in the heart of historic York, between Piccadilly and Fossgate Streets and is fully accessible from Fossgate. The Hall is closed between Christmas and New Year’s Day and every Sunday during the winter. It can also close occasionally for private functions or maintenance work, so calling in advance is always a good idea.