What I Love About Paris
TIME : 2016/2/16 14:58:37
Whether it’s mastering the myriad meanings of “
oh là là” as you bask in the Parisian sunshine or enjoying classic French culinary delights, Aurelia d’Andrea shares her abiding love of living abroad in the City of Light.
- Those first glorious, sunshiny days of spring, when Parisians can’t help but
smile as they bask in the sun at terrace cafés across the city.
- Brocantes (antiques markets), marchés aux puces (flea markets), and vide-greniers (rummage sales), where scoring secondhand treasures is a popular weekend sport.
- Mid-November, when Parisian streets get gussied up with twinkling lights, decorated trees, and marchés de Noël that usher in the holiday season.
- Mastering the myriad meanings of the beloved expression “oh là là.”
- Watching strangers helping strangers lug suitcases, poussettes (baby strollers), and grocery bags up and down those seemingly endless Métro stairs.
- The outdoor produce market in autumn, when summer’s ripe peaches and cherries give way to earthy mushrooms, fresh hazelnuts, and crisp Normandy apples.

Paris, France, the City of Light. Photo © Tommie Hansen, licensed Creative Commons Attribution.
- The way Velib’ has transformed the city into a cyclist’s . . . well, not paradise, exactly, but something close!
- Sharing conversation with friends over perfectly quaffable €3 glasses of côtes du rhône at a local bar à vins.
- Hopping an early morning TGV from Gare de Lyon beneath gray skies, and arriving in warm, sunny Nice just in time for a prix fixe lunch en plein air.
- The way my neighborhood boulanger reaches for the tradition graine baguette as soon as I walk in the door.
- The unabashed topless septuagenarians sunbathing at the public swimming pool.
- The simple act of filling my empty wine bottles from one of the enormous wood casks at my favorite caviste’s.
- Community gardens, where growing kale isn’t just an activity for transplanted Californians.
Excerpted from the First Edition of
Moon Living Abroad Paris.