Château de Ratilly
The elegant 11th-century Château de Ratilly sits in the countryside near Treigny and holds a collection of pottery by the Pierlot family and a changing series of excellent contemporary art exhibitions and concerts.
Château de Meursault
One of the prettiest of the Côte de Beaune châteaux, Château de Meursault has beautiful grounds and produces some of the most prestigious white wines in the world. Particularly impressive are the 14th-century cellars.
Musée Départemental d’Art Contemporain
Housed in the town’s striking château , which overlooks the confluence of two small rivers, the museum includes a collection of works by acclaimed Dadaist Raoul Haussman and a room decorated by 16th-century frescos.
Maison Pfister
This Renaissance pile was built in 1537 for Ludwig Scherer, a wealthy hatter from Besançon. With its delicately painted panels, elaborate oriel window and carved wooden balcony, it is an immediate attention-grabber.
Louis Vuitton Espace Culturel
At the top of Louis Vuitton’s flagship store is this contemporary art gallery with changing exhibits throughout the year. The entrance is via the mammoth store, which, of course, is something of a sight in itself.
Jardin Botanique de la Villa Thuret
In the centre of Cap dAntibes, this serene, 3.5-hectare botanical garden was created in 1856 and showcases 2500 species – the perfect opportunity to study the sun-rich capes lush and invariably exotic flora up close.
Jardin des Enfeus
Behind the cathedral, the Jardin des Enfeus was Sarlat’s first cemetery. The rocket-shaped Lanterne des Morts may have been built to honour a visit by St Bernard in 1147, one of the founders of the Cistercian order.
Musée des Tissus
Extraordinary Lyonnais and international silks are showcased here. Ticket includes admission to the adjoining Musée des Arts Décoratifs , which displays 18th-century furniture, tapestries, wallpaper, ceramics and silver.
Musée de la Marine de Loire
Châteauneuf-sur-Loire’s Musée de la Marine de Loire explores the history of river shipping on the Loire, with a collection of model boats and riverine artefacts displayed in the former stables of the town’s château.
Musée Mémorial de la Bataille de Normandie
Using well-chosen photos, personal accounts, dioramas and wartime objects, this first-rate museum offers an excellent introduction to the Battle of Normandy. The 25-minute film is screened in both French and English.
Fécamp’s 800m-long, smooth-pebble beach stretches southward from the narrow channel connecting the port with the open sea. In July and August you can rent catamarans, kayaks, paddle boats and windsurfers.
Château de Puymartin
This impressive turreted château, 8km northwest of Sarlat, was first built in 1270, destroyed in 1358 during the Hundred Years War, and rebuilt around 1450. The ornate interior is furnished lavishly with mostly 19th-century decor.
Espace des Renoir
The Renoir trail in Essoyes begins at the Espace des Renoir which also houses the tourist office. Opened in 2011, the centre screens a 15-minute film about the artist and displays temporary exhibitions of mostly contemporary art.
Maison de la Duchesse Anne
This 15th-century home (which, despite the name, has nothing to do with Duchess Anne) is one of the finest examples of the local building style. The highlight is a staircase engraved with the faces of the buildings patron saints.
Tour Ste
Just east of Basilique St-Sauveur, beyond the tiny Jardin Anglais (English Garden), a former cemetery and nowadays a pleasant little park, is the 13th-century Tour Ste-Catherine, with great views down over the viaduct and port.
Ste-Lucie de Tallano has a few monuments worthy of interest, including the well-proportioned Église Ste-Lucie and the Renaissance-style Couvent St-François , an imposing building scenically positioned at the edge of the village.
Hall Napoléon
Split-level public area comprising a temporary exhibition hall, bookshop, souvenir store, cafe and auditoriums for lectures and films. Pick up maps and general information here; tours also depart from the main information desk.
Chapelle Notre Dame de Grâce
Built between 1600 and 1613, this chapel sits on the Plateau de Grâce , a wooded, 100m-high hill about 2km west of the Vieux Bassin. The area offers great views of the Seine estuary, Le Havre, Honfleur and the Pont de Normandie.
Cathédrale Notre Dame Cloister
Adjacent to the cathedral, this lovely 12th-century cloister indicates the cathedrals Moorish influences with its multicoloured bricks and columns. Upstairs is a fine collection of embroidered religious artwork and vestments.
Musée d’Art Contemporain
Creations of Marseille-born sculptor César Baldaccini (1921–98) jostle for space with works by Christo, Nice new realists Ben and Klein, and Andy Warhol. From the Prado metro stop, take bus 23 or 45 to the Haïfa-Marie-Louise stop.
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