Planète Musée du Chocolat
Delve into this real-life Charlie and the Chocolate Factory for an indulgent exploration through the world of chocolate, from its earliest beginnings to the mass production of today.
Palais Lascaris
Baroque Palais Lascaris is a 17th-century mansion housing a frescoed orgy of Flemish tapestries, faïence and gloomy religious paintings. On the ground floor is an 18th-century pharmacy.
Musée du Jouet
Kids of every age delight at the sight of toys from generations past – from demure 1950s Barbies to Gaultier-clad dolls and, every little boy’s dream, Hornby train sets – at this museum.
Grand Canal
Oriented to reflect the sunset, the Grand Canal, 1.6km long and 62m wide, is traversed by the 1km-long Petit Canal, creating a cross-shaped body of water with a perimeter of more than 5.5km.
Église de St
Sweet-chiming Église de St-Tropez is a quintessential St-Trop landmark, built in 1785 in Italian baroque style. Inside is the bust of St Torpes, honoured during Les Bravades des Espagnols.
Thanks to a donation from the US-based Carnegie Foundation, the lobby of the Bibliothèque boasts gorgeous 1920s mosaics, stained glass, frescos and an extraordinary chandelier – duck inside for a look!
Pointe de Dinan
Wow! The cliffs of Pointe de Dinan provide a dramatic outlook over the sands of Anse de Dinan and the jumble of rock known as the Château de Dinan, linked to the mainland by a natural archway.
Centre Mondial de la Paix
Set in Verdun’s handsomely classical former bishop’s palace, built in 1724, this museum’s permanent exhibition touches upon wars, their causes and solutions; human rights; and the fragility of peace.
Tour de la Grosse Horloge
The gateway to the old city, Tour de la Grosse Horloge is a steadfast Gothic-style clock tower, with a 12th-century base and an 18th-century top. For safety reasons, it’s not possible to enter.
Grande Plage
Biarritz’ raison d’être is its fashionable beaches. The central Grande Plage is lined end to end with sunbathing bodies on hot summer days. Stripy 1920s-style beach tents can be hired for €9.50 per day.
FRAC Franche
Bringing contemporary art to the Franche-Comté region is the raison dêtre of this museum, which opened in 2013. Its striking riverside building was designed by the Japanese architect Kengo Kuma.
Centre de Découverte des Algues
You can learn about local seaweed harvesting at this enthusiastically run museum, which also organises guided walks and gives regular free lectures (often in English and German). Theres also a shop.
Brittany American Cemetery & Memorial
Almost 5000 Americans who died during the Normandy and Brittany campaigns of 1944 are buried or memorialised at the Brittany American Cemetery & Memorial, 25km southeast of Mont St-Michel.
Musée Albert Schweitzer
The house where the musicologist, medical doctor and 1952 Nobel Peace Prize winner Albert Schweitzer (1875–1965) was born is now this museum, with exhibits on the good doctor’s life in Alsace and Gabon.
Musée Villa Montabello
In a fine mansion built in 1865, this municipal museum recounts Trouvilles history and features works by Charles Mozin and Eugène Boudin. Situated 1km northeast of the tourist office, near the beach.
Basilique Notre Dame
The Basilique Notre Dame, its towering, Italianate dome visible from all over town, is an odd structure built from 1827 to 1866. The partly Romanesque crypt was under renovation at the time of research.
Source de lHôpital
The brass taps of Source de lHôpital, first used in Gallo-Roman times, dispense unlimited quantities of the warmish, odoriferous and rather acrid mineral waters of the Hôpital and Célestins springs.
Tour des Voleurs
Rue des Juifs (site of the former Jewish quarter) leads down the hill to this medieval stone tower. Inside is a gruesome torture chamber with English commentary and an old-style winegrower’s kitchen.
Prison des Templiers
Many Knights Templar were imprisoned in Domme in 1307 while they awaited trial. Loads of Templar graffiti in their code system still mark their prison. Ask at the tourist office for information.
Parc des Sources
Vichys centrepiece is the huge Parc des Sources, laid out by Napoléon in 1812. Filled with chestnut and plane trees and encircled by a wrought-iron-canopied colonnade, its a pleasant place to stroll.
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