Domaine Jaulin Plaisantin
Top organic AOC Chinon by Yves Plaisantin and Sébastien Jaulin, 8km southeast of Chinon town.
Domaine de lAbbaye
Excellent wines are produced in vineyards originally cultivated by monks in the 12th century.
Maison du Vieil Alby
Houses a small exhibition on the citys history and its connections with Toulouse-Lautrec.
Maison des Cariatides
Maison des Cariatides , its facade a riot of stone caryatids, soldiers and vines, is quite fine.
Musée du Vin et de la Batellerie
Wonderfully musty displays of vintage winemaking equipment and scale models of local river boats.
Maison de lHuître
The small Maison de l’Huître has a display on oyster farming, including a short film in English.
Galerie d’Art du Conseil Général des Bouches du Rhône
Galérie dArt du Conseil Général des Bouches du Rhône showcases photography and contemporary art.
Cathédrale de St
The city cathedral dates mainly from the 12th and 13th centuries, and has a glorious rose window.
Chambre de Commerce
Built in 1908, the art nouveau Chambre de Commerce features wrought-iron by Louis Majorelle.
Ancienne Abbaye de la Celle
This 12th-century Romanesque abbey was recently restored and can be visited by tour (free) only.
Ponts Couverts
The much-photographed Ponts Couverts (Covered Bridges) have a trio of 13th-century towers.
Place des Quatre Dauphins
An especially charming square in the old town; has a fountain (1667) with water-spouting dolphins.
Maison zum Kragen
This 15th-century house is identified by its much-photographed sculpture of a marchand (merchant).
Porte de la Cadène
Surviving sections of the towns medieval walls and gates include those running off rue Guadet.
Galerie des Beaux
Temporary exhibitions are regularly hosted at Musée des Beaux-Arts annexe, Galerie des Beaux-Arts.
Chapelle de la Miséricorde
Chapelle de la Miséricorde was built in 1645 with a pretty bell tower and colourful tiled dome.
Hôtel de Ville
Sorry, we currently have no review for this sight.
Galerie d’Anatomie Comparée et de Paléontologie
Dinosaur skeletons and fossils fill the Galerie d’Anatomie Comparée et de Paléontologie .
Palais de la Députation
Next to La Loge de Mer is the Palais de la Députation, once the seat of the local parliament.
Mur du Cinéma
Lyons cinematic story is told in still-image form here in one of the citys many murals.
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