travel > Destinations > europe > Germany > Bohnenviertel


TIME : 2016/2/18 19:24:21

To really slip under Stuttgart’s skin, mosey through one of the city’s lesser-known neighbourhoods. Walk south to Hans-im-Glück Platz, centred on a fountain depicting the caged Grimm’s fairy-tale character Lucky Hans, and you’ll soon reach the boho-flavoured Bohnenviertel, named after beans introduced in the 16th century. Back then they were grown everywhere as the staple food of the poor tanners, dyers and craftsmen who lived here.

A recent facelift has restored the neighbourhood’s cobbled lanes and gabled houses, which harbour idiosyncratic galleries, workshops, bookshops, wine taverns and cafes. The villagey atmosphere is a refreshing tonic to the big-city feel of central Stuttgart.