For high-fashion shopping on the cheap, head to the Prada Outlets (called Lo Spaccio, or Space) just outside Florence.
Along with cut-price Prada clothing, cosmetics, shoes, and bags, you'll also find accessories and outfits by Miu Miu and Jil Sander.
While you're here, also drop into The Mall for discount gear from just about every designer imaginable. Get ready to try on everything from Armani jeans and Gucci shoes to Pucci scarves, Fendi bags, Burberry coats, and La Perla lingerie.
Choose carefully and you could pay up to 50% less for top designer fashion that will have your friends green with envy.
Heaven for discount shoppers is only a few miles / kilometers from Florence. To get to Space, catch a train to Montevechi, then hire a taxi for a quick ride to the warehouse. To get to The Mall, take a tour, catch a taxi, or hop on the buses which run several times a day from the central bus station.