Mariënburg Chapel
Dating from the late middle ages, the former Catholic convent miraculously survived the bombings of WWII intact. It became the centrepiece of a recent redevelopment project, with the new public library and Lux café/film centre reverently facing the ancient structure. The chapel cur
Het Scheepvaartmuseum
An immense, 17th-century admiralty building houses one of the worlds most extensive collections of maritime memorabilia. Early shipping routes, naval combat, fishing and whaling are all detailed, and there are some 500 models of boats and ships. A full-scale replica of the Dutch Ea
Natuurmuseum Fryslân
Let your angels run rampant in this natural history museum, covering Frieslands flora and fauna. Highlights include a virtual bird-flight simulation (strap yourself into the hang-glider harness and away you go) and Friesland onder Water, an exploration of the bottom of a canal from
Nederlands Spoorwegmuseum
The national railway museum features historic trains, including the luxurious cars of the Orient Express and Hollands oldest steam locomotive, a vast collection of model trains and thematic displays in an old station building; a high-speed minitrain takes kids around the grounds. T
These impressive sluices, or locks, date from 1674 and allowed the canals to be flushed with fresh water from lakes north of the city, rather than saltwater from the IJ, an innovation that made the city more liveable. The locks are regularly shut while fresh water flows in, while t
Ameland Nature Centre
Just north of Nes village, this centre features an excellent seaquarium in which a number of North Sea species swim around, including manta rays, barracuda and eels. Get shore-to-shore views from the adjacent observation tower and take a 2.2km nature loop walk to Nesserbos forest.
Centrale Bibliotheek Amsterdam
This symmetrical, nine-storey tower of knowledge (its self-appointed nickname) is the countrys largest library. Unveiled in 2007, it has claimed a commanding spot in Amsterdams increasingly modern landscape. Inviting chairs and couches are scattered around every floor, as are loads
The Heiligeweg (Holy Way) was once part of a route that pilgrims took to the spot where the Miracle of Amsterdam occurred. Halfway along, and directly opposite Voetboogstraat, youll see the Rasphuis Gate , which led to a correctional institute in medieval times. The pedestal bears
After making their fortune in arms-dealing, the Trip brothers commissioned a young Dutch architect, Justus Vingboons, to build the Trippenhuis in 1660. Its a greystone mansion with eight Corinthian columns across two houses, one for each brother. In a nod to their ignoble professio
Koninklijke Porceleyne Fles
Pottery fans will love Royal Delft, 1km southeast of the centre. Tour tickets include an audiotour which leads you through a painting demonstration, the company museum, and the factory production process. You can also take a workshop (€26.50 to €32) where you get to paint your own
Overblaak Development
Designed by Piet Blom and built from 1978 to 1984, this mind-bending development facing the Markthal Rotterdam is marked by its pencil-shaped tower, De Kolk , and forest of 45-degree-tilted, cube-shaped apartments on hexagonal pylons. One apartment, the Kijk-Kubus Museum-House , is
Rode Steen
Hoorns heyday as a shipping centre is long gone, but the imposing statue of Jan Peterszoon Coen , founder of the Dutch East India Company, still watches over the Rode Steen (Red Stone or Fortress), the square named for the blood that once flowed from the gallows. On the northeaster
Dwingelderveld National Park
Dwingerveld National Park preserves 3700 hectares of the largest wet heathland in Europe. More than 60km of hiking paths and 40km of cycling paths wander amid the bogs, meadows and forest. It’s a starkly beautiful place and very popular on summer weekends.The visitor centre is at t
On Oudezijds Achterburgwal a distinctive gateway with spectacles over the pedestal rises up and marks the entrance to the Oudemanhuispoort, a 17th-century building that was once an almshouse for the elderly. You cant go inside the structure, as its now part of the University of Ams
Civic Guard Gallery
This cool gallery is part of the Amsterdam Museum – consider it the free ‘teaser – and fills an alleyway next to the museum’s entrance. It displays grand posed-group portraits, from medieval guards painted during the Dutch Golden Age (à la Rembrandt’s Night Watch ) to Modern Civic
Eindhovens architectural sensation - the flying saucer building on stilts - was built in 1966 as an anniversary present for Philips Electrics company which had done so much for its home city. It was built to house the magical Man and Progress Museum. Although the building has been
The long beach at Scheveningen, pronounced – if possible – as sCHay-fuh-ninger, attracts nine million visitors per year. Its horribly developed: architects who lost hospital commissions have designed all manner of modern nightmares overlooking the strand. Scads of cafes elbow each
Comenius Museum
The 17th-century Czech educational reformer, Jan Amos Komensky (Comenius), is buried in the Waalse Kapel (Walloon Chapel) of the fortresss former monastery. His life and work (he promoted the concepts of universal education for rich and poor) are related next door at the Comenius M
Built as a chapel in the 14th century, the Waaggebouw was pressed into service as a weigh house two centuries later. This handsome building houses the tourist office and the Hollands Kaasmuseum , with a reverential display of cheese-making utensils, photos and a curious stock of pa
Battered by storms and war, Texels resilient crimson-coloured lighthouse stands 35m high. Climb its 153 steps for sweeping views across the islands and shallow waters.
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