A few vestiges of Birobidzhan’s Jewish heritage remain. Note the Hebrew signs on the train station , the lively farmers market and the post office on the riverfront at the southern terminus of ul Gorkogo. On the square in front of the train station a statue commemorates Birobidzhan’s original Jewish settlers, and on the pedestrian stretch of ul Sholom-Aleykhema is a quirky statue of Sholem Aleichem (Памятник Шолом-Алейхему; Fiddler on the Roof was based on Aleichem’s stories).
A five-minute walk west from the centre on ul Lenina is a complex containing Birobidzhan’s Jewish culture centre, Freid , and a synagogue with a small Jewish history museum inside. Call or ask around for Rabbi Roman Isakovich, who will give you a tour of the complex, talk local history or find you a souvenir yarmulke (skullcap).