You'll have to use your imagination to appreciate this modest-looking cave. Consisting of a few small chambers, it isn't visually impressive, but it does form a vital part of Ibiza's cultural legacy. Cova des Cuieram was an important Carthaginian place of worship; around 600 terracotta images of the fertility goddess Tanit have been found here. You can see some in Ibiza Town's Necròpolis del Puig des Molins . Reflecting Ibiza's hippy-spiritual side, many visitors leave offerings to Tanit here.
The cave is located in one of the remotest corners of the island, 2km north of Cala de Sant Vicent; the signposted turn-off is north of the Sant Vicent–Cala de Sant Vicent road. The access road is paved, but you'll have to walk the last few hundred metres on foot.