Asociación de Amigos de los Patios Cordobeses
This particularly lovely patio, dripping with bougainvillea and other blooms, can be visited free year-round.
Archeological & Ethnographical Museum of Agache
This modest museum in El Escobonal displays all kinds of odds and ends related to Guanche and island culture.
Punta del Moral
South of Ayamonte town are the broad, relatively built-up beaches of Isla Canela and Punta del Moral.
Palacios Nazaríes Night Visits
The Palacios Nazaríes in the Alhambra are open for night visits , good for atmosphere rather than detail.
Cilla del Cabildo Colegial
The facade of the 1773 Cilla del Cabildo Colegial bears a sculpted representation of Seville’s Giralda.
Isla Canela
South of Ayamonte town are the broad, relatively built-up beaches of Isla Canela and Punta del Moral.
Ethnographic Museum
The 14th-century castle houses an ethnographic museum , with a collection of toy cars on the 1st floor.
Colección Arte Garó
Shares digs with the tourist office and spreads six centuries of art over three well laid-out floors.
Church of Sant Esteve
This graceful late Romanesque church stands outside Peratalladas historic centre. Opening hours vary.
La Capella
The Antic Hospital de la Santa Creus Gothic chapel is worth a visit for the frequent temporary exhibitions.
Santuario de Nuestra Señora de Africa
The striking yellow Santuario de Nuestra Señora de Africa is an 18th-century Andalucian-style church.
Termas Romanas
Located underneath Campo Valdés, are the town’s Termas Romanas , built in the 1st to 4th centuries AD.
Iglesia Mayor Prioral
El Puerto’s most splendid church, the 15th- to 18th-century Iglesia Mayor Prioral, dominates Plaza de España.
Església de Sant Josep
Sant Joseps village church dates from 1726 and boasts a three-storey facade with an impressive front porch.
Casa de los Capitanes
The imposing Casa de los Capitanes is beside the ayuntamiento (town hall) and houses the tourist office.
Cala Carbón
A little west of Playa de Mónsul , a path leads from the road to the less-frequented beach Cala Carbón.
Aljibes de las Peñuelas
The small door across the courtyard leads into the cave-like, other-worldly cistern that is still flowing.
Torre de San Pedro
The 14th-century Iglesia de San Pedro has a stunning ceiling, baroque high altar and simple cloisters.
Ruta de Patios del Alcázar Viejo
Offers the chance to enter six patios in the Alcázar Viejo district outside of the patio festival season.
Puerta de la Marina
The main entrance to the Melilla la Vieja fortress is Puerta de la Marina, fronted by a statue of Franco.
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