Santuario de San Miguel de Aralar
The austere 9th-century Santuario de San Miguel de Aralar, which lies in the shadow of Monte Altxueta (1343m), is the areas main attraction. Despite its pretty naves and 800-year-old altarpiece, it isn’t the sort of place you’d want to visit on a moonless night. There are some spec
Iglesia de Santa María de Mediavilla
This grandiose Isabelline Gothic work has three star-vaulted naves and the rightfully famous Capilla de los Benavente chapel. Anchored by an extravagant altarpiece by Juan de Juní and carved over eight years from 1543, its sometimes referred to as the Sistine Chapel of Castilla; it
Igrexa de Santa María A Nova
The Igrexa de Santa María A Nova is a classic of the Galician ‘sailors’ Gothic’ style, typified by a single very wide nave. Santa María is surrounded by a pretty cemetery and contains a collection of tombstones from members of medieval guilds, many of them showing the tools of thei
Calle de Cervantes 2
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (1547–1616), the author of Don Quijote , spent much of his adult life in Madrid and lived and died at Calle de Cervantes 2 ; a plaque (dating from 1834) sits above the door. Sadly, the original building was torn down in the early 19th century. When Cerv
Seminario de San Felipe Neri
Plaza de Santa María is the most characteristic of all the town’s squares and was designed to be a focus of religious and civic life. On its north side stands the 17th-century Seminario de San Felipe Neri, a former seminary that now houses part of the Baeza campus of the Universida
Palacio Real de el Pardo
Built in the 15th century and remodelled in the 17th, this opulent palace was Franco’s favourite residence. It’s surrounded by lush gardens (which close one hour later than the palace) and on Sunday fills with madrileño families looking for a bit of fresh air and a hearty lunch. Of
Església de Santa Eulàlia
One of the first major churches raised after the 1229 conquest, the Església de Santa Eulàlia is a soaring Gothic structure with a neo-Gothic facade (a complete remake was done between 1894 and 1924). It is the only such church in Mallorca, aside from the Catedral, with three naves
Ermita de San Isidro
In the northeastern corner of El Retiro, the pleasing ruins of this small country chapel are among the few, albeit modest, examples of extant Romanesque architecture in Madrid. Parts of the wall, a side entrance and part of the apse were restored in 1999 and are all that remain of
Ecomuseu Cap de Cavalleria
Ecomuseu Cap de Cavalleria is a small, private museum 1km north of Platja Cavalleria’s car park. Panels and videos illustrate the north coast, its fauna, the lighthouse, ancient inhabitants and Roman occupation. Borrow the booklet with full English translations of the captions. The
Woody Allen Statue
Wandering around central Oviedo, youll run into a growing array of grand open-air sculptures, such as Fernando Boteros Culis Monumentalibus on Calle Pelayo and a statue of Woody Allen (minus glasses, which some vandal has removed) on Calle de las Milicias Nacionales. Allen expresse
La Morería
The area stretching northwest from the Iglesia de San Andrés to the viaduct was the heart of the morería (Moorish Quarter). Strain the imagination a little and the maze of winding and hilly lanes even now retains a whiff of the North African medina . This is where the Muslim popula
Sinagoga de Santa María La Blanca
This pretty Mudéjar synagogue has five naves divided by rows of horseshoe and multifoil arches. Originally the upper arches opened onto rooms where women worshipped; the men were down below. Admire the stucco work and ornate capitals, although when we were last here, it was being f
Telefónica Building
Dominating the skyline about one-third of the way along Gran Vía is the 1920s-era Telefónica building, which was for years the highest building in the city. During the civil war, when Madrid was besieged by Franco’s forces and the boulevard became known as ‘Howitzer Alley’ due to t
Museo Canario
This slightly old fashioned yet still fascinating museum chronicles Gran Canaria’s preconquest history. It claims the heady boast of having the largest collection of Cro-Magnon skulls in the world. There are also several mummies, plus a collection of pottery and other Guanche imple
Passeig Arqueològic
A walk along Girona’s medieval walls is a wonderful way to appreciate the city landscape from above. There are several points of access, the most popular being across the street from the Banys Àrabs, where steps lead up into some heavenly gardens where town and plants merge into on
Palacio de los Condes de Guadiana
One of the town’s most decorative mansions is the 17th-century Palacio de los Condes de Guadiana, located on Calle Real (once Úbeda’s main commercial street), with some elegant carving around the windows and balconies. At the time of writing, this palace was being converted into a
Playa del Matorral
Playa del Matorral is the main beach here and it’s magnificent, stretching eastwards for over 4km from Morro Jable. A family-friendly beach, it’s great for indulging in a variety of watersports, churning a pedalo or just collapsing on the sand. It rarely gets crowded, but for true
Playa de las Vueltas
The Playa de las Vueltas, beside the port, is the most wind-sheltered – and consequently often the busiest – of the town beaches. A gentle, soft black-sand beach, it’s ideal for children, and the water is as calm and current-free as a pond. It also has the advantage of having a cou
Playa San Pedro
This sandy beach, 250m long, sits 3km northeast of Las Negras, between dramatic headlands. San Pedro hamlet is inhabited by a small floating population of travellers and others hanging out in tents, abandoned buildings and the odd cave. Its only accessible on foot or by inflatable
Juan Simón Ceramics
Follow the alfarería signs from the Plaza de la Constitución to this vast ceramics workshop at the bottom of a hill (just to the right of the 17th-century Iglesia San Roque). The workshop has been in the same family for several generations, and you can watch the potters and painter
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