travel > Destinations > europe > Sweden > Järvzoo


TIME : 2016/2/19 0:33:54

Järvsö’s biggest attraction is Järvzoo, a large animal park devoted to northern Swedish wildlife. A 3km boardwalk leads you past the spacious enclosures housing the Horned Ones, such as elk, reindeer, musk oxen and roe deer. The adjacent Rovdjurcentret is home to predators, which include brown bears, wolves, wolverines, lynx, honey buzzards and snowy owls, who seem contented in relatively natural environments.

Trains run north from Järvsö to Östersund, and south to Gävle and Stockholm.

If you want to wake up with the wolves, you can stay over in comfortable, en suite ‘Wolf Panorama’ rooms (singles/doubles Skr1650/2200, including breakfast and entry fee) at the adjoining Varghotellet (the Wolf Hotel).