Siaröfortet Museum
At this fortress-turned-museum you can check out the officers’ mess, kitchen, sleeping quarters and tunnels, plus two impressive 15.2cm cannons (they’re trained on passing Viking Line ferries!).
Natalia Goldin Gallery
A paint flick away is Natalia Goldin Gallery , a pioneering art space best known for spotlighting hot new talent like photographer Martina Hoogland Ivanow and installation artist Sven Nilsson.
Botanical Gardens
The Botanical Gardens, below the castle hill, show off more than 10,000 species and are pleasant to wander through. Attractions include the 200-year-old Linnaeum Orangery and a tropical greenhouse .
Fishing Museum
Next door to Fiskar Fänget is a tiny fishing museum where you can learn the history of surströmming, the fermented herring that’s famously an acquired taste, including how (and more to the point why ) it’s made.
Adjoining Linnémuseet is Linnéträdgården, which is a reconstructed version of Sweden’s oldest botanical garden – Linné’s playground – with more than 1300 species arranged according to the system he invented.
Halmstad Äventyrsland
Halmstad Äventyrsland, lying just out of town on the way to Tylösand, is a theme park for little-ish kids, featuring pirates, fairy-tale characters, dinosaurs, a miniature village, rides and waterslides.
Stora Karlsö
From the towns harbour, you can catch a passenger-only boat to the island nature reserve Stora Karlsö one to three times daily from May to early September (adult/six to 15 years return Skr345/155, 30 minutes).
The first of Sweden’s modern ‘mushroom’ water towers, Svampen was built in 1958 and now functions as a lookout tower. There are good views of lake Hjälmaren at the top, as well as a cafe (daily specials Skr100).
A family-friendly option, across the river and downstream from the tourist office, Tropikcenter is in the old customs house and shows off tropical birds, fish and reptiles. Kids under 1m tall get in for free.
Skansen Akvariet
The Skansen Aquarium is worth a wander, its residents including piranhas, lemurs and pygmy marmosets (the smallest monkeys in the world). Intrepid visitors are allowed into the cages of some of the animals.
This peculiar fish market is shaped like a church. You may see the odd bride and groom posing with the shellfish; theyre not lost – its just that the market is also consecrated as a place of worship/matrimony.
Apoteket Lejonet
At the southeastern corner of Stortorget, the city’s oldest pharmacy, Apoteket Lejonet, flaunts an exquisite art-nouveau interior, with carved wooden shelves, antique medicine bottles and a glass-plated ceiling.
Göthlinska Gården
The manor house, Göthlinska Gården, just off the main square, was built in 1739 and is now a museum featuring furniture, decor and accoutrements from the 17th century onward; entrance is by guided tour only.
One of Göteborg’s most distinctive buildings, this is a welcome landmark for sailors and is a smashing viewpoint over the western half of the city. Completed in 1914, its interior resembles an upturned boat.
Mysinge Hög
The biggest single monument amid the ancient grave fields of Mysinge and Gettlinge is Bronze Age tomb Mysinge hög, 4km east of Mörbylånga, from where there are views of almost the whole World Heritage Site.
The Stadhus, a recipient of Sweden’s most beautiful public building prize back in 1964 and very, erm, eye-catching due to its clocktower, houses a modest art collection and an odd display of Sami handicrafts.
House of Emigrants
Boasts engrossing displays on the emigration of over one million Swedes to America (1850–1930) and includes a replica of Vilhelm Moberg’s office and original manuscripts of his famous emigration novels.
Vänermuseet boasts a 20-cu-metre aquarium, home to all manner of aquatic wildlife from its namesake lake, Europe’s third largest (5650 sq km). A variety of other exhibits highlight the lakes nature and culture.
Malmö Konsthall
Malmö Konsthall, south of central Malmö, is one of Europe’s largest contemporary-art spaces, with exhibitions spanning both Swedish and foreign talent. The museum cafe Smak serves an excellent weekend brunch.
Krusenstiernska Gården
Krusenstiernska Gården is a stuck-in-time 19th-century middle-class home around 500m from the entrance to Kalmar Slott. Tours of the house are on the hour, but entry to the beautiful gardens and cafe is free.
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