travel > Destinations > europe > Turkey > Gaziantep Zeugma Mosaic Museum

Gaziantep Zeugma Mosaic Museum

TIME : 2016/2/19 2:40:00

This modern museum showcases superb mosaics unearthed at the Roman site of Belkıs-Zeugma before the Birecik Dam flooded most of the site forever. The second floor has excellent views of virtually complete floor mosaics retrieved from Roman villas, providing a detailed insight into past centuries. Other incredibly well-preserved highlights include the poignant Gypsy Girl and the Birth of Venus mosaics, and modern interactive technology also brings history to life in a compelling way.

To find the museum, follow the underpass on the left of the railway station, continue under the busy main highway, turn right, and then continue on for another 400m. A taxi from central Gaziantep should be around TL10.