travel > Destinations > middle east > Israel > Gamla


TIME : 2016/2/19 3:35:35

The site of a thriving Jewish village during the late Second Temple period, Gamla – perched atop a rocky ridge shaped like a camel’s back (gamla is the Aramaic word for camel) – dared to defy the Romans during the Great Jewish Revolt (66–70 CE) and as a result was besieged by Vespasian’s legions. In 67 CE, historian Josephus Flavius recorded the seven-month siege, the defenders’ valiant stand and the bloody final battle, and reported a Masada-like mass suicide of thousands of Jews.

After the town was identified in 1968 based on Josephus’ precise descriptions, excavations unearthed an enormous quantity of Roman siege weaponry (some can be seen in Katzrin’s Golan Archaeological Museum) as well as one of the world’s oldest synagogues, believed to date from the 1st century BCE (ie from the time of the Second Temple). Walking down to, and around, ancient Gamla takes two to three hours.

Gamla is known for the dozens of Griffon vultures (wingspan: an astonishing 2.7m) that nest in the reserve's cliffs and soar majestically over the valley below. Sadly, they are becoming rarer, victims of high-voltage electrical lines and poisoned carrion that ranchers set out – illegally – to kill wolves and jackals. Half-hour guided walks (in Hebrew) begin daily at 11am and 1pm at the Vulture Lookout .

Israel’s highest perennial waterfall, which drops 51m to a pool, can be seen from the Waterfall Overlook (Tatzpit HaMapal); the trail (1½ hours return) passes a field dotted with dolmens (basalt grave markers) erected by nomads 4000 years ago.

On the plateau around the parking lot, the Vulture Path (Shvil HaNesharim; 20 to 30 minutes) affords a fine panorama of the ancient city. It was made wheelchair accessible in 2014.

Gamla is 20km south of Katzrin, to which it's linked by Rama buses 10, 11 and 17.