Neys Provincial Park
Rocky Neys Provincial Park , just west of Marathon, has craggy beaches, furry caribou, and sunsets that make for a perfect Kodak moment.
Kew Beach
Of all the beaches, Kew Beach is the most popular stretch of sand, the boardwalk running east to Balmy Beach and west to Woodbine Beach.
Wayne Gretzky Estate
Northeast at the intersection of King and Cherry you’ll see the wine business of Canada’s beloved hockey star, Wayne Gretzky Estate .
Swift Current Museum and Visitors Centre
Youll want to make a stop to check out the massive woolly bison in this great little museum at the Swift Current visitors center.
Yukon Artists@Work
Operated by local artists, some of whom may be busily creating when you visit. Its situated just north of the megastore shopping area.
Salt Spring Island Cheese
Drop by for a wander around the idyllic farmstead, and a tasting or two in the winery-style shop. Consider some Ruckles goat cheese to go.
Provincial Seamens Museum
The impressive-looking Seamens Museum depicts both the era of the banking schooner and the changes in the fishery over the years.
Pavillon du Bassin Bonsecours
This pavilion has a snack bar in summer and winter. On frosty days, its a fine place to warm up after ice-skating on the rink in front.
Finlayson Point Provincial Park
For information about the group of preserves around Temagami, visit Finlayson Point Provincial Park , 2km south of town on Hwy 11.
Owen Sound Farmers Market
This co-op of vendors is one of the oldest in Ontario. Expect the freshest produce, as well as maple syrup, soaps and baked goods.
Loyalist Burial Ground
This solemn cemetery, with fading tombstones from as early as 1784, is just off Kings Sq, in a park-style setting in the center of town.
Sound and Light Display
An evening sound and light display at the Basilique Notre-Dame uses cutting-edge technology to tell the story of the church and the city.
Ross House Museum
The small log cabin where William Ross ran the wests first post office is in a pretty setting and documents pioneer life in the 1850s.
Les Moulins
Économusée Les Moulins has two restored 19th-century mills and exhibits showing how wheat and buckwheat were once ground using grindstones.
Meewasin Valley Centre
The tiny but informative Meewasin Centre tells the history of the river and the city, and has maps and excellent self-guided walking tours.
Discovery Harbour
Recommended guided tours of this reconstructed British garrison lead visitors through two replica vessels and recount the forts history.
Centre dInterprétation des Mammifères Marins
The CIMM gives excellent background information on local sea creatures through multimedia exhibits. There are also pretty gardens.
Metepenagiag Heritage Park
On the Esk River, the Metepenagiag Heritage Park has interpretive tours of Mikmaq culture and history on a 3000-year-old archaeological site.
Fort Smith Mission Historic Park
This park commemorates the days when this was Catholicisms beachhead into the North. Self-guided tour maps are available from the visitors center.
Dory Shop Museum
Shelburne dories (small open boats once used for fishing from a mother schooner) are still made to order at the Dory Shop Museum for use as lifeboats.
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