travel > Destinations > oceania > Papua New Guinea > Varirata National Park

Varirata National Park

TIME : 2016/2/19 14:06:29

Right after the small store at Laloki River Gorge is the turn-off to Varirata National Park which, at 1000 hectares and over 800m high, is the highlight of the Sogeri Rd. It's 8km from the turn-off and you'll find six clearly marked walking trails ranging from 45 minutes to three hours long, and some excellent lookouts back to Port Moresby and the coast. The bird-watching here can be rewarding, with an array of kingfishers and Raggiana birds of paradise as highlights.

It's possible to camp here, but unless you're in a large group, it's potentially unsafe. The best place is on the grass outside the derelict huts. There are pit toilets. Speak to the ranger-in-charge (if you can find him!).

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