Meireles Beach
TIME : 2016/2/22 10:01:12
Meireles Beach
The Brazilian state of Ceara is famous for its long coastline and numerous beaches. In the city of Fortaleza, Meireles Beach is one of the busiest stretches of coast, packed with the highest concentration of hotels and seaside restaurants serving up traditional Brazilian food and drink.
Located just east of city center in the middle class Meireles neighborhood, Meireles Beach is a popular spot for morning joggers, and in the evenings, it’s surrounded by the famous Feirinha de Artesanato (Artisan Fair) where vendors sell locally made crafts and textiles. It’s a great place to pick up Fortaleza embroidered lace.
Practical Info
Meireles Beach makes a great spot for a seaside stroll, but with its position near the middle of Fortaleza, the water generally isn’t clean enough for swimming.