If you see a silvery-white patch in the Colombian cloud forest, it’s probably a yarumo blanco tree. Photo © Alejandro Bayer Tamayo, licensed Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike.
At elevations between 2,300-3,600 meters (7,500-12,000 feet), the vegetation is described as selva Andina (Andean forest). This vegetation is even less dense and at higher elevations the trees are smaller. The vegetation bears some resemblance to landscapes in the northern and southern hemispheres. Selva Andina includes many oak, encenillo, sietecuero (glory bush), and pine trees.
The spectacled or Andean bear, the only species of bear in South America, calls the Colombian cloud forests and páramos its home. Photo © Derrick Neill/123rf.
Mammals include the spectacled or Andean bear, the only species of bear in South America, the mountain (or woolly) tapir, anteaters, armadillos, sloths, boars, foxes, and olingos, a small arboreal carnivore of the raccoon family. In 2013, the olinguito (small olingo), an incredibly cute-looking animal, was declared a new species. Other unusual animals include the slow-moving guagua loba and guatín, both of which are rodents. In addition, numerous species of monkeys inhabit the cloud forest, including noisy troops of howler monkeys. Birds include many types of barranqueros (motmots), including the spectacular blue-crowned motmot. Other common birds include tángaras (tanagers), woodpeckers, warblers, parrots, owls, and ducks, including the beautiful white and black torrent duck.
Excerpted from the First Edition of Moon Colombia.