Kate Morgan - Destination Editor for Western Europe. Follow her tweets @kate_ann_morgan.
The Pyramid of Kukulcán at Chichén Itzá, Mexico. Image by Grand Velas Riviera Maya / CC BY-SA 2.0.
You can find quieter, more secluded ancient sites in Mexico, but for a dramatic setting, architectural splendour and - during the spring equinox . But the compact, culture-packed city forms the event’s backbone, and witty, unsentimental Dubliners are a vital part of the festival’s wild, stout-quaffing cast.
James Smart - Destination Editor for Britain, Ireland and Iceland. Follow his tweets @smartbadger.
Revellers at WOMADelaide. Image by Tony Lewis / Courtesy of WOMADelaide.
If you’re heading down under this month make a quick detour to South Australia to join the party at WOMADelaide .
This annual festival of world music, dance and arts, held over the 7-10 March holiday weekend in Adelaide’s Botanic Park, has an enviable line-up this year. Artists gracing the outdoor sound stages include American outfit Arrested Development, Neko Case , occupies various venues during the last two weeks of March. Over 50 performances include opera, concerts, ballet, dance and theatre, exhibitions – and, introduced this year, events for children – featuring Hungarian and international artists.
All cultured out? Join a boat cruise on the Danube and stroll the grandiose boulevards spread from Buda to Pest, taking a Baroque-to-Art-Nouveau architectural history lesson along the way. Or indulge in the latest wine-tasting fad comes to town. In this annual race, now in its 14th year, sponsored teams of bicycle-rickshaw riders compete (sans passengers) to see who is the fastest, with proceeds going to a local children’s charity. Racing the three-wheeled vehicles is no mean feat – cyclos have been known to tip over. The race is the main event, but don’t miss seeing the creatively adorned cyclos battling for the prize of ‘best decorated’.
Laura Crawford – Destination Editor for Japan, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and the Philippines. Follow her tweets @crawfplanet.