Avoiding the Zombie Pack – Luxor, Egypt
TIME : 2016/2/27 12:16:16
Avoiding the Zombie Pack
Luxor, Egypt
Travelling independently is difficult. It can be mentally and physically tiring, and it can even be dangerous. So why do people persist in ‘going it alone’, so to speak? There are exponential numbers of travel agencies out there who will mould and shape a trip in whatever way you would like, for a price of course. So what, apart from saving money, are the underlying reasons for deciding to plan a trip autonomously?
I have just returned from Egypt on a trip that I planned completely independently with only the use of a trusty travel guidebook and a few Internet resources. Travelling alone in Egypt proved difficult, and I returned jaded and in need of having some well-earned rest. However, having said that, if I went again, I would not do it any other way.

Wedding Entertainment If you travel independently in a place like Egypt, there is always the chance that something magical and unexpected will happen that you will never forget. It may be difficult and tiring at times, but then that special something will happen to remind you why you decided to travel like that in the first place. If you choose to travel independently in Egypt, here are a few pointers and resources to get you started.
- Egypt runs sleeper trains from Cairo to Luxor and Aswan, which is the easiest and most comfortable way to travel in Egypt. For more information about these trains, visit http://www.seat61.com/Egypt.htm or www.sleepingtrains.com
- If you want to soak up some sun and sand by the Red Sea after your hard travels, go direct to Sharm el-Sheikh or Dahab rather than the nearby option of Hurghada. Hurghada is a developing tourist resort, which is currently made up of a large number of hotels along a littered shoreline, with even larger numbers of construction sites providing noise and eyesores everywhere. Despite this, large numbers of tourists still flock here for the night-clubs, sun and sea.
- The current edition of the Lonely Planet guidebook is probably the best guide to Egypt, but some of the information, particularly regarding hotels, can be misleading. Some of the cheaper and mid-range hotels get extremely generous reviews in the guidebook, so beware the budget option. If you find a budget or mid-range hotel, try to get a look at the room before you check in.
Lonely Planet – Egypt Guidebook
The author travelled independently in Africa, Asia and the Middle East, and has had his travel writings published in magazines such as ‘Transitions Abroad’ and ‘Things Asian’. He is currently teaching English in Seoul, South Korea, whilst simultaneously seeking further freelance writing opportunities. Contact the author at jjrgaskell at hotmail dot com.