travel > Travel Story > Asia > Indonesia > Surf Aid: Helping eradicate malaria in the Mentawai’s

Surf Aid: Helping eradicate malaria in the Mentawai’s

TIME : 2016/2/25 13:53:15

lagundi bay niasMalaria is one of the world’s biggest killers and one of the worst strains of malaria is prevalent in the Mentawai islands, off of Sumatra. Having spent 10 days in the Mentawai jungle and another week in Nias, an island to the south, I must say the mosquitoes were not a problem. Little did I realize there is a terrible human loss each year to malaria in the area.

SurfAid International is a charity run by a Kiwi, that harnesses the surfing community, to help fund basic malaria prevention and other health education work in the Mentawai’s. Yahoo! talks about the work SurfAid did after the Asian tsunami.