I was really excited about a trip to Okinawa, but I didn’t want to just spend all my time in cities, no matter how interesting Naha city might be. The islands are famous for their beaches and undersea beauty, and I wanted to check it out for myself. However, I was a bit at a loss of where to turn, since there were not many websites in English.
Zamami Island
But with the military bases, I figured there had to be some option for a Westerner, so I contacted Camp Foster and was put in touch with MCCS Tours +. They had several different package plans for day trips which all looked fun, from Shuri Castle tours to battle sites to a special Halloween Scary Places tour, but I had my heart set on the water, so settled for a snorkeling tour in the Kerama Islands because I had no experience diving and it sounded like a pleasant alternative.
The tour was very helpful and recommended Tsunami Scuba to rent the snorkeling gear, and I went there the day before to pick it up. I opted to skip the wetsuit and didn’t really need it. The tour didn’t include food, either, but I liked that because I tend to be a bit picky about what I eat, so I took along a sack lunch in case there was nothing I liked at our destination.
Kerama Island
It was a lovely day, hot but not too humid. A small group of us met at Camp Foster and got an introduction from the guy leading the tour, a muscular, middle-aged career military man with tanned skin and a contagious smile. We boarded a shuttle to Naha Port, where we got on a boat for the Kerama Islands.
Kerama Islands Fish (photo: Diego Molla/flickr)
It felt like we were entering paradise. Less than an hour from the bustling city, we were at a coral reef with the most gloriously blue waters I have ever seen. I felt like I was in an ad for a honeymoon, there were white sand beaches, palm trees, and lush green islands.
Kerama Islands Lionfish (photo: Motoya Kawasaki/flickr)
We were scheduled to go to two dive spots in Keramas, and we had lunch between. I was glad for my sack lunch so I could lounge on a beach rather than seek out a restaurant in the little town on Zamami Island. The weather was too lovely to want to spend a second inside, from my point of view.
Zamami Island beach (photo: maurizio mucciola/flickr)
It was my first time snorkeling, and with the military man exuding confidence, I soon got the hang of the flippers and face mask. It was really fun! I thought it would be a bit claustrophobic, but had no problem at all. Instead, I felt like I was watching a television show on coral reefs.
Kerama Islands amazing fish (photo: Motoya Kawasaki/flickr)
The reefs themselves were impressive, with many more varieties of coral than I had ever imagined. Little fish swam in and out of pink and red and yellow mazes. There were chunky big corals and lacy fans and spiky antlers. It was fun to see them all. But the fish were even better, a riot of colors and shapes and sizes.
Kerama Islands coral and fish everywhere
I was shocked when suddenly a big fay swam past, fins undulating gently in the water. It was breathtakingly beautiful and seemed unreal. Then I saw a shark. I had seen photos of the on the advertising fliers, but assumed that they were rare and meant to draw attention. I had no idea that I could see one up close for real, albeit a little one. The only thing I felt was missing was the sea turtles.
Kerama Islands beautiful coral reefs
Commenting on that when I boarded the boat, the military man laughed and had a consultation with all of the members of the tour. He said there was enough time we could check out a different area if we wanted. Everyone readily agreed. Unfortunately, there were no sea turtles at the new location, but there were yet more fish and corals to enjoy.
Zamami Island Snorkeling (photo: rogerimp/flickr)
It seemed like the day flew by. It was evening by the time we returned to Naha Port, and I decided to leave the group and return to my Rihga Royal Gran Okinawa hotel in Naha from there. I was expecting to see pretty things on this excursion, but felt completely overwhelmed by the new world that I glimpsed underwater. I definitely will have to try snorkeling again. And maybe next time, I should sign up for a scuba tour. I think it would be comfortable to learn from someone like the man who led our group today.