Known throughout Japan for its high-quality cosmetics, Yojiya よーじや has its main store in Kyoto. It was founded in 1904 as a cart selling a range of products, and the quality has drawn customers such as geisha and aristocratic women since that time. Kyoto has been the center of Japanese make-up culture from the Heian period. Many new cosmetic treatments and fashion were developed first in Kyoto, and became popular in the rest of Japan later.
Yojiya よーじや
The trademark image of a woman looking into a mirror is found on many of the packages, and beautiful mirrors and cosmetic cases are still available. The most famous product, though, is aburatorigami, a scented paper used for blotting oil off the face before applying makeup.
Yojiya has stores around Kyoto, and also branches in Haneda, Narita, and Kansai airports. It has also opened a series of cafes dedicated to relaxation while enjoying food of the same high quality as their other products. The main store is in an arcade just off Shinkyogoku Street and close to the Yasaka Shrine.
Yojiya Cafe
The cosmetics can not be purchased over the web, but for more information: