Disneyland Tokyo Wearing Costumes (photo: SunToad/flickr)
Disneyland has a strict policy concerning costumes, so be sure to follow the guidelines to avoid being turned away at the door. Wearing some seasonal accessories can add to the festive feel of your visit!
At DisneySea, full costumes are only allowed for children under 11 years old. Accessories, headbands, and hats will be admitted, as will masks that only cover the area around the eyes. Masks that cover the whole face are not permitted in the park.
At Disneyland Tokyo, children under 11 can wear costumes during the event. Adults are permitted to wear costumes only from September 9 through 15 and October 25-31. Disney character costumes are allowed, but not characters from other companies. For all ages, no face makeup, beards, or face coverings are allowed. Costumes may not have sharp parts or be overly revealing. If there are doubts about the safety or decency of a costume, the wearer will not be allowed into the park. Also, some visitors might be denied access to some rides if the costume might cause safety problems.
At both facilities, you are requested not to change clothing in the bathrooms. Costumes can be a fun addition to your Disney visit, just be careful about those which you choose.