Awa Odori costume Back [商工連 / 高円寺阿波踊り]
Awa Odori dancers appear to sway effortlessly with the music, but there is a lot of background preparation to create that image. Amateur teams might only practice a few times, but professional groups meet throughout the year, refining techniques to a beautiful art.
Dressing the day of the event takes about an hour. First, the dancers carefully tape their toes to prevent against blisters, since all of their weight rests on the soft flesh between the big toe and rest of the toes, balancing on the strings of the wooden dancing shoes, called geta. Geta take a beating like the feet, the wood can wear down about a centimeter (about 1/2 inch) from rubbing on the pavement all day.
Wooden geta sandals
The clothing has many layers. Unlike a regular kimono, the top and bottom are separate for ease of movement. The sleeves of the undergarment are not connected to the rest for the same reason. The obi, or sash, has five layers that secure tightly around the body so the rest of the outfit stays in place, The hat is tied in place with a complicated knot that can take ten minutes for the inexperienced to complete. The strings are so firm that it is hard to open the mouth enough to eat.
Awa Ordori Rain or Shine
Dancers carry an uchiwa fan, which is flat and does not fold. These fans are covered in clear plastic to prevent the paper from disintegrating with sweat. Though they are usually tucked into the obi, most people perspire enough in the heat to soak through all the layers of the garment.
Round Paper Fan (Uchiwa) [ひょっとこ連 / 高円寺阿波踊り]
Despite painful feet, drenched clothing, and hard physical effort involved, many people return to dance in the Awa Odori year after year. Why? A sense of teamwork and fun is part of the reason. Some groups create a party-like atmosphere with drinks and good food between performances. Others cite tradition. But for most, they can’t say exactly why they return, but when they hear the music and start to move with the rhythm, they can abandon logic and just enjoy themselves.