Honen-in moss entrance
Honen-in (法然院) temple was built in 1680 by the priest Nincho after being commended by priest Bambu to build a temple at the site to remind people of Honen. Honen is the name of the priest who founded the Pure Land Sect of Buddhism (浄土真宗, Jodo-shin-shu). In 1953, the temple became independent of the Jodo-shu (浄土宗) sect.
Hōnen-in (法然院)
When you pass through the entry gate covered in moss, you’ll see two small mounds of sand on both sides of the path. These sand mounds purify one’s body and soul. Usually temples or shrines have a basin to wash hands at their entrance, but this temple has these sand mounds instead. A statue of this temple’s main deity, Amida-nyorai (阿弥陀如来坐像), is displayed in the main hall.
Honen-in is very tranquil and when camellias blossom, the temple grounds are very colorful. The temple is only open from April 1st to 7th and November 1st to 7th when the viewing of the cherry blossoms or red maple leaves are at its best.