Gekkeikan Okura Sake Museum
Over 6,000 sake brewing tools which have been designated important folk craft cultural assets are housed in the Gekkeikan Okura Sake Museum. The traditional old building is set in the heart of the Fushimi sake brewing district, an area long noted for its delicious water used for brewing the drink. Listen to old brewing songs while browsing through the displays and learning about how sake is made, then stop by the tasting room to sample the varieties produced by Gekkeikan.
Gekkeikan Sake Museum 月桂冠の博物館(23) (Photo credit: Christian Kaden)
The museum is open from 9:30 am to 4 pm year round, but is closed for the New Year and Obon holidays. Entry is 300 for adults, 100 for teenagers 12-17, and free for children 11 and under. The museum is about a 5-minute walk from the Keihan Line Chushojima Station.
Gekkeikan (Photo credit: orsorama)
247 Minamihama-cho Fushimi-ku, Kyoto 612-8660 Japan
For more information, the museum has a web page in English: