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Do They Celebrate Easter in Thailand?

TIME : 2016/2/24 18:23:56

The majority of the Thai population, approximately 95%, are Buddhists with the next largest religious group being Muslims (approximately 4%). With less than 1% of the Thai population being Christian it’s no surprise to find out that Easter isn’t widely celebrated in Thailand. But that doesn’t mean that Easter gets ignored completely.


There are a number of Christian churches in Thailand with famous examples being Santa Cruz Church in Bangkok (pictured above) and the cathedral at Chantaburi. Adding to the local population of Christians in Thailand are a combination of expat workers, retirees and those on holiday so church services in Thailand can be busy at Easter. Unlike Christmas in Thailand, the commercial aspects of Easter have yet to catch on in the same way although Easter bunnies can be seen at some of the larger shopping malls. You won’t see rows of chocolate Easter eggs in the shops, but they can be found at select stores.

The Easter holidays signal one of the busiest travel times of the year for European travellers and Thailand has traditionally been a popular destination for those in search of Easter sun. Hotels that cater to overseas visitors will often put on special events over the Easter period. This is what the Swissotel NaiLert Park Hotel in Bangkok have to welcome their guests this year:


If you are visiting Thailand over Easter, remember that although it isn’t a public holiday in Thailand, many foreign embassies and consulates in Bangkok do close.