The story of this big thing dates back to 1979 when it was opened by the South Australia Premier. The Big Lobster has a rather gargantuan size reaching 17 meters tall, 15.2 meters long and 13.7 meters wide, and of course there is a 4 ton weight to back that up. Only, it wasn’t supposed to be this big!
It turns out that the actual construction details for this structure were done in feet (which, as you know, is 1/3 the length of a meter), but the designer in charge took them as meters. Big difference. The entire build process took just 6 months despite the size.
Today the structure has been taken over and converted in a quality dining location featuring seafood, which makes this roadside attraction one to both stop at and grab a quick bite. It’s the best of both worlds: a quirky attraction and a restaurant.
Photo credit.