Unforgetable wedding moments in the island of Love and Beauty...
The beautiful town of Pafos (Paphos) nestles on the west coast of the island of Cyprus and regularly appears in the list of most popular 'location wedding destinations'. Pafos is definitely a great choice because it is bathed in warm sunshine for more than 330 days each year, it has a great variety of holiday accommodation to choose from and is easily accessible from a variety of European regional airports. The most important bonuses for couples choosing Pafos is that the wedding and all the trimmings will definitely cost much less in Cyprus and for those getting married for the second or subsequent time, it is possible to get married in church as well as in a civil ceremony. All wedding couples who choose Pafos are keen to do something 'a little different' and love the idea of almost guaranteed sunshine for their 'big day' and the fact that their family and friends can be with them – not just for a few hours on their wedding day - but for the whole holiday!
Couples travelling to Cyprus can marry in any of the country's main towns but Pafos is amonsgst the most popular destination and staff in the Civil Marriage Office in Pafos Town Hall deal with thousands of weddings every year. All couples marrying in Pafos visit the office a few days before the service to complete all the legal documentation as their marriage will be recognised worldwide. The staff guides couples on all aspects of the legal requirements and of course attend the wedding ceremonies taking place in the Town Hall and nearby Municipal Gardens.
Wedding in the chapel
Information about getting married in Pafos is available on the Municipality's informative website or by talking with a member of staff by telephone or sending them an e-mail. Several European tour operators publish their own wedding brochures offering couples a variety of packages in Pafos whilst many couples create their own package and enlist the help of one of the town's wedding coordinators to advise them on Reception venues and to help coordinate wedding cars, photographers, flowers and cakes so that all goes smoothly on the BIG day - with the added bonus that the ceremony can be seen by absent friends on Skype from many locations.
Weddings at the pier
Pafos is the island's only 12 month holiday resort in Cyprus and offers wedding couples a variety of beautiful locations throughout the year. Couples can choose either a civil or church ceremony or combination of both and this is applicable to couples where one or both has been previously married. Ceremonies can be conducted in Greek, English, French or Russian and wedding certificates issued in either Greek or English.
Traditional Anglican or Roman Catholic church services take place in the beautiful Byzantine church of Krysopolitissa (St Paul’s Pillar) and in the private chapels of selected Pafos hotels including The Elysium, The Azia Hotel, the Intercontinental (Aphrodite Hills) and St George's Hotel. Civil ceremonies can be held in one of the elegant rooms in Pafos Town Hall or in the beautiful setting of Pafos Castle overlooking the harbour - which has only recently been added to the choice of venues. Other popular choices are amongst the fascinating assortment of artifacts at the town's Ethnographical Museum or aboard a sleek yacht either in the harbour or out at sea!
Pafos Castle
Other beautiful locations have recently been added to the list and these are the town's Ottoman (Turkish) Baths and Maliotou Park. A special outside area has been beautifully created outside the Ottoman Baths, making them a perfect location for exclusive weddings that are just a little different, whilst Maliotou Park is situated in the part of town known locally as Moussalos and has a lovely atmosphere with its centuries old olive trees. Certainly all of these venues offer something very special and 'just a little different' to wedding couples and their families and friends travelling to Paphos and without a doubt they will all return home with a suitcase filled with very special memories.
Ethnographic Museum