Visiting Torcello Island in the Venice Lagoon
TIME : 2016/2/25 15:40:57
Visiting Torcello Island in the Venice Lagoon
by .
Places to Eat: The two main restaurants are at Locanda Cipriani (website above) or the nearby Villa ’600 (the English version of that site doesn’t seem to go anywhere), though there’s a casual cafe on the main walk to the cathedral from the vaporetto stop. If you know how to play chess, be on the lookout for the chess board set up outside – and a proprietor who’ll invite you over for a game.
What to See: Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta (open daily from 10:00-12:30 and 14:00-18:30; entry into cathedral alone is €4, extra fee to climb the bell tower)
Museum of Torcello (open Tuesday-Sunday from 10:00-12:30 and 14:00-18:30; you can buy a combination ticket to the museum and cathedral, or one that includes the museum, cathedral and bell tower)
Church of Santa Fosca (near cathedral, free to enter, same open hours)
Attila’s Throne (in courtyard, free to sit on it)
And if you visit in February, like I just did, you could get “lucky” and see how they do construction on an island without much solid ground!