A definitive guide on what to do throughout the festive season in Malta
Christmas in Malta is a wonderful mix of the merrymaking associated with the festive season together with the religious traditions still very much alive within the Maltese community. In the spirit of the famous Christmas carol, we list twelve top Malta events and other things to do if spending your Christmas on the island. Consider them our twelve gifts for the twelve days of Christmas!
Christmas Concert
Day 1 – Stroll the Decorated Streets of Valletta
This is the busiest and most merry time of the year for the Maltese capital. Beautifully lit streets with Christmas carols echoing in the background, shops dressed to their Sunday best and activities in abundance.
Day 2 – Tour the Islands for wonderful Christmas Cribs.
You will find incredibly detailed and intricate cribs on display by local enthusiasts in practically every village in Malta. A competition with a list of participating cribs may be found here.
Day 3 – Enjoy a Christmas Concert
This is a great way to really get into the Christmas spirit. Check out our Events calendar for dates and keep an eye out for the much anticipated ... featuring international artists and the Malta Philharmonic Orchestra.
Day 4 – Take the kids to Santa's Toy Town at Popeye Village
Marvel at busy elves preparing Christmas toys in magical surroundings. This facebook page offers more information.
Inn at Bethlehem f'Ghajnsielem
Day 5 – Watch a side-splitting Pantomime
These musical-comedy theatrical productions are as popular with kids as they are with adults. Running throughout the festive period, are an original take on ....
Day 6 – Christmas Shopping in Style
Many activities happening in Valletta throughout the holidays... for a daily breakdown visit here.
Day 7 – Check out Bethlehem recreating in Gozo!
Bethlehem f’Ghajnsielem is a month long enactment that takes you back 2,000 years to the Jesus nativity story. Very basic rooms are available for rent, together with period costumes and you can also try your hand at farming...
Day 8 – Contribute to a Charitable Event
A number of events for a good cause are held throughout the holidays. The Community Chest Fund, under the patronage of the President of Malta,setsup a tent in Valletta with constant entertainment to raise donations
Christmas lunch
Day 9 – Join a Christmas Eve Procession
A century old religious custom in various villages around Maltaand Gozo, throngs of people join a parade behind a life sized figure of the Infant Jesus amidst children in period costumes, prayer and carol singing.
Day 10 – Attend Midnight Mass and Early Breakfast
Christmas Eve midnight mass is very well attended. It is a tradition for a child to replace the priest in delivering the sermon. A more recent custom is for people to follow the mass with a visit to a luxury hotel and enjoy an early 01.00am Christmas breakfast!
Day 11 – Feast on Christmas Lunch
Many Maltese choose to eat out for Christmas lunch as extended members of the family join in on the event. The majority of restaurants in Malta offer a special Christmas Day menu.
Day 12 – Recuperate
The only sensible thing to do after the Christmas madness is to regroup and prepare for the New Year's Eve celebrations and parties!
Il-Milied it-Tajjeb! (Merry Christmas!)