An oasis of tranquil luxury in the Algarve
The Algarve is justly famous as a playground for the rich and famous, as the destination of choice for family holidays, as Europe’s best beach and golf destination, and as one of the most beautiful natural landscapes around. Amid such riches, even the brightest jewel’s sparkle can fade. But not VILA VITA Parc. It’s light is undimmed over 20 years of outstanding hospitality. So what is it that makes VILA VITA Parc shine so bright?
Is it the resort’s gourmet restaurant, Ocean, holder of two Michelin Stars? Since 2009 Chef Hans Neuner and his team have been delivering exquisite cuisine using the best of local produce, meat and seafood, as well as fresh fruit and vegetables from VILA VITA’s country estate Herdade dos Grous. Ocean is an intimate restaurant and dining here is a memorable experience.
The pleasures of eating and drinking at VILA VITA Parc are well served, with several restaurants and bars within the resort, from the aforementioned fine dining Ocean to the Portuguese flavours of Adega Restaurant to the Bavarian bonhomie of the Biergarten in the village of Porches and the sand-between-your-toes delights at Arte Nautica beach restaurant. And no matter if it is a ham sandwich or a fresh lobster you order, it will be served with a VILA VITA smile.
Ocean Restaurant at VILA VITA Parc, Algarve, Portugal
Perhaps it is this variety that ensures VILA VITA’s appeal. The resort is one of the most popular family destinations and is listed as a Trip Advisor Travellers Choice top hotel for families. Not only does the family have all the comforts one would expect of a luxury resort, there are 22 hectares of grounds to explore, several pools, direct access to a secluded beach and a fun childrens club.
Aside from the usual fun and games designed to keep the kids happy such as tennis, mini-golf, face painting and other games, Anabella Kids Parc has a whole range of fun and educational activities for junior guests. Foodies can enjoy some MasterChef Junior cooking courses while would be designers can set their creative side loose while decorating cupcakes and biscuits. The Ambassadors of the Environment programme runs educational programmes where the children learn environmental awareness, about the damage caused by plastic bags in the sea, for example, all neatly tied together with a visit to Zoomarine theme park.
So, gourmands are happy, the children are happy. Rest and relaxation is guaranteed too, at the VILA VITA Vital Spa where you can receive pampering from your head to your Margaret Dabbs treated toes. The Vital Spa is the only venue in Portugal where you can enjoy these famous treatments. All adding sparkle to the gem that is VILA VITA.
Margaret Dabbs, VILA VITA Parc, Algarve, Portugal
Perhaps one of the most enduringly appealing aspects of VILA VITA Parc however is its beautiful gardens. The sub-tropical and Mediterranean grounds require a veritable army of gardeners – 38 in all - to plant, trim, water, prune and nourish. It’s a full time job for two gardeners just to keep the lawns trimmed. There are around 5.000 palm trees dotted around the resort, mixed in with local olive trees and colourful flowers. The care the gardeners lavish on the grounds, using organic treatments whenever possible, and taking tired plants to the nursery for some TLC before returning to resort is symptomatic of the care that goes into every aspect of the VILA VITA Parc operation.
Even the brightest diamond needs polishing to keep its luster, and the VILA VITA Parc team are experts at this, from fun activities for the children, to innovative beauty and wellness programmes, to the highest levels of hospitality that makes every guest feel like the most important VIP ever to grace it's grounds.
Tel: +351 282 310 100
VILA VITA Parc, Algarve, Portugal