Top 5 Apps for Vancouver Visitors
TIME : 2016/2/25 14:25:25
Chunky guide books take up too much room in your carry-on. When you need Vancouver info right now, take these helpful mobile apps in hand instead:
Tourism Vancouver: start with this free destination-specific app developed by Vancouver’s official tourism board 
- for Windows Mobile, Android Mobile and iPhone
- interactive tourist guide with integrated street navigation of Vancouver and Whistler
- mapping and navigation to all local points of interest including hotels, restaurants and attractions
- one-touch reservations
- What to Do section and seasonal events calendar
- transportation planner
- emergency services information
- ability to “footprint” photos and replay them on Google Earth
- ability to receive updated weather reports and news flashes
NearMeBC: this free app from Hello BC, the province’s official tourism organization, quickly points you to the hotels, restaurants, watering holes or attractions nearest your location
- for iPhone
- includes 4,000 listings province-wide
- particularly helpful for last-minute “where should we go tonight?” decisions
- information can be marked and saved for review off-line
Yelp: this free app gives you easy access to one of Vancouver’s most popular user-generated review sites
- for Blackberry, Palm Pre, Android and iPhone
- particularly helpful for hospitality-related reviews: bars, restaurants, lounges, hotels
- search by category–ie, “pizza, Thai”–or name
Groupon: find great daily deals at Vancouver restaurants, bars, spas, events and attractions with this free app
- for iPhone and Android and “vintage” mobiles
- find deals for any city where Groupon is active
- one-touch downloading
- keep track of deals by location, date and expiration
- discount coupons are redeemable right from your phone
EnRoute/Air Canada Dining Guide: a free app from the publisher of one of Canada’s most reliable Top New Restaurants lists
- for iPhone and Blackberry
- province-specific dining recommendations based on EnRoute’s picks since 2002
- current Top 10 Best New Restaurants
- special wine features, route maps and more